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HHD 2023 Survey RH

2023/5784  High Holy Days Rosh Hashanah Survey

Adult, Family, Youth and Teen Services & Programs


How wonderful it’s been to celebrate the start of 5784 together, as well as participate in the many activities leading up to Rosh Hashanah during the month of Elul. 

One survey innovation: This year you will receive two HHD surveys: This one for Rosh Hashanah and related programs and services, and the second for Yom Kippur programs and services—while your memories are fresh.

We need to hear about YOUR experiences this Rosh Hashanah. Your feedback is important as we assess this year’s Elul and Rosh Hashanah programs and services and plan for next year.
This is an interactive survey format, with space for more general responses at the end, as well as very specific response categories for services, programs and processes.  It allows for responses from both in-person and Zoom attendees for each activity, and includes multiple places for your extended comments about all aspects of your experience. [Note:  Each comment box is limited to 2000 characters.] 
Every response is valued and will remain confidential.
      * If you have difficulty with the on-line form, let us know and someone will get in touch to help.
      * If the interactive form isn’t working for you, we can send you a PDF to download, print and return, or get a hard copy from the office.
      * If you want your survey and comments to be anonymous, be sure that you are NOT logged into shulcloud.

Todah Rabbah.
Val Kaplan

For questions, concerns:

When you want your survey and comments to be anonymous, ensure that you are *not* logged into shulcloud.

Each Comment box is limited to 2000 characters.

If you did not hear the Rabbis' sermons, or you want to hear them again, the link to each video is listed in the 2023/5784 Drashes section of the HHD 2023 Festivals web page . We recommend watching the videos before completing any part of the survey, in case navigation pulls you away from the survey web page. Survey input cannot be saved and updated.

Your Affiliation with Oseh Shalom.

Your name is optional. 
Your name is optional. 
Your email is optional. 
Are you a member, former member, non-member, related to a member, etc.
Please provide a comment if you do not plan to return next year.
Please provide comments if you had any problems.
Please provide any comments related to attendance now or next year, on-line registration or manual registration to attend High Holy Days services.

Programs held during Elul to prepare for the High Holy Days.

Did you participate in any of the Elul activities?
  • Shofar soundings
  • Dr. Brad Sachs' reflection emails
  • Rabbi Josh's two Zoom discussions about Harnessing The Power of Reflection
  • Selichot Service
On Tuesdays and Sundays, Oseh Shalom members provided an opportunity to hear the Shofar via Zoom in preparation of the High Holy Days.
Dr. Brad Sachs provided daily reflection emails to ponder as a way to prepare for the High Holy Days.
Rabbi Josh held 2 Zoom sessions that guided people to use reflective journal writing, song, and Jewish text to prepare ourselves for the High Holy Days. 

Congregant-led Selichot Service was preceded by a program that included a variety of musical offerings by our congregants. 

Congregant-led Selichot Service was preceded by a program that included a variety of musical offerings by our congregants. Zoom attendance was provided. How was the zoom experience?
Please provide any comment regarding the programs provided during Elul, including beginning and ending times, music, Zoom, sound quality, etc,

Rosh Hashanah Music

The Cantor rating includes the Cantor's Music (voice and guitar), Melodies and Nusach, and Choir leadership.

Choir rating includes Clarity, Sound, and Song Selection. The Choir sang during these services: Erev Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah First Day Morning. 

Keyboard, percussion and guitar at services.

Supplemental song sheets with Hebrew, English and Transliteration were provided in the order of service booklet to encourage congregants to participate.


Erev Rosh Hashanah

Did you attend this service? Did you attend in-person or via Zoom?
The service held on the first evening of Rosh Hashanah
Please provide any additional comments regarding the service held on Erev Rosh Hashanah, including beginning and ending times, sound quality, Zoom quality, etc
Rabbi Daria:  Creation, Crises, and Deepest Desires
Celebrating the miracles of creation, and courageously facing the crises that threaten us- and all of creation- can help us attune to our unique inner motivations and deepest desires,

Rabbi Daria's "Guide to reflecting upon your deepest desires" can be found on the Oseh Shalom -> Pray -> High Holy Days and Festivals web page.
Please provide any comments regarding the Rabbi's sermon on Erev Rosh Hashanah .

Rosh Hashanah First Day Sanctuary Service

Did you attend this service? Did you attend in-person or via Zoom?
The service held on the first morning of Rosh Hashanah
The President spoke to the congregation on the first Rosh Hashanah morning service
Please provide comments regarding the President's message provided on the first day of Rosh Hashanah.
Rabbi Josh:  “Rosh Hashanah Prayers as One Answer to our Existential Situation”:  Rosh Hashanah prayers (U’netanah Tokef, Malshuyot, Zochronot and Shofarof) can be a good way of getting in touch with and responding to our existential situation as Jews and human beings.
Please provide comments regarding the Rabbi's sermon provided on the first day of Rosh Hashanah.
Please provide any comments regarding the services held on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, including the beginning and ending times, sound quality, Zoom quality, etc

Rosh Hashanah First Day Family and Youth Service and Program

Did you attend the service or program held in the tent at Oseh Shalom? 
Please list the ages of your child(ren).


General comments include beginning and ending times, music, etc.

Rosh Hashanah First Day Teen Service

Did you attend the service? 
Please list the ages of your teens.


General comments can include beginning and ending times, music, etc.

Rosh Hashanah Tashlich Service

Did you attend the service or picnic? 
Tashlich was held at Laurel Lakes after the first morning of Rosh Hashanah. Participants had the opportunity to eat together in the park.
Did you bring lunch to eat after participating in Tashlich? 
General comments include the beginning and ending times, materials, etc.

Rosh Hashanah Second Evening Service via Zoom only

General comments include beginning and ending times, music, sound quality, Zoom quality, etc.

Rosh Hashanah Second Day

Did you attend this service? Did you attend in-person or via Zoom?
The service held on the second morning of Rosh Hashanah
Please provide any comments regarding the service held on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, including beginning and ending times, materials, sound quality, Zoom quality, etc.
Rabbi Josh led the discussion "Teshuvah, Maimonides and Psychotherapy".
Using the writing of spiritual teacher Estelle Frankel, we explored Maimonides' ideas of the basic steps of teshuvah from a psychotherapeutic framework.


Communications, Security, and Supplemental Materials

Please rate the ongoing and updated communication about the High Holy Days. Were they effective?
Use of Technology includes reservation assistance, hard-copy forms when requested, web page, calendar events, and computer-generated name labels picked up at the synagogue entrance in lieu of tickets. Rating the on-line reservation, zoom quality and sound quality was provided in other places in the survey.
Please provide any comments regarding the use of technology before and during the High Holy Days.
Comments on Sound quality and Zoom quality can be provided here or in the Comment box for a given service.
Comments on the on-line reservation form can be provided here or in the Comment box at the beginning of the survey.
Security includes the police presence, greeters and ushers.
Health policies include the separate seating area for mask-only seating for attendees at the Erev and first day Rosh Hashanah services in the sanctuary.
Please provide any comments regarding the seating spacing and availability, Security services and Health Policies used during the High Holy Days.

Supplemental Materials

Supplemental Materials were provided during services. Did you find them helpful, useful, or valuable?
Please provide additional comments regarding the Supplemental Materials provided during services: Order of Service, Greetings, and Yiskor booklets.

High Holy Days Rosh Hashanah Experience

Thank you for completing the High Holy Days Rosh Hashanah survey.
Your responses are important to us!

L'Shanah Tovah tikatevu v' techatemu!

Oseh Shalom High Holy Days Committee

Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785