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2025 Super Bowl Squares


Superbowl Signup for Feb 9, 2025

Come join the Oseh Men’s Club in person this year as we root for teams playing the Superbowl.  
Bring your friends and family.  Put some skin in the game and buy a square for $40 !
Your family gets a great meal including but not limited to meatball subs, hot dogs, falafel, chili, deli sandwiches, veggies, potato salad, desserts and drinks.  A great value!  
We set up some big screen TVs to watch the game.

$40 for each lucky square  - Yes you can buy more than one or more than ten!
Everyone has fun eating, socializing and watching the game!
How the Game is Played
  • Your Lucky Square will have a digit for the NFC and digit for the AFC. 
  • The Digits represent the last number in the score for each team.
  • If you match the digits at the end of the 1st Quarter you win $125
  • If you match the digits at the end of the 2nd Quarter you win $125
  • If you match the digits at the end of the 3rd Quarter you win $125
  • If you match the digits at the end of the game you win $500.
Please bring canned food donations for our local food bank.  While we feast on our dinner, let’s give to those less fortunate.
Please let us know how many people are coming for dinner
   Squares - $40.00 - 13 of 100 Left
   Dinner (In Person No Charge with Squares) - $0.00 - 28 of 80 Left
   Photographer - $0.00 - Booked
   Setup Help 3-6PM - $0.00 - 1 of 3 Left
   Kitchen Help 4-6PM - $0.00 - Fully Booked
   Deli Platter Preparation 4PM - $0.00 - Booked
   Refill Food 6-8PM - $0.00 - 1 of 2 Left
   Cleanup 6PM-End - $0.00 - 3 of 4 Left
   Dinner Only - $18.00 - 50 Open

Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785