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Planting Hope: Native Plant Pickup Day is Sunday, May 19, from 9:30AM to 11:30 AM, so be sure to PLEDGE to plant native plants. Just in time for the spring planting season, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is giving us plants to give away,at least three native plants to each home that pledges to plant them! Join us, and neighbors at churches, mosques, and synagogues participating in NWF Sacred Grounds, by planting native plants at your home. These native plants will help provide food for birds, butterflies, and pollinating bees, reduce storm water runoff, and thus improve the quality and quantity of water heading from our homes to local streams. Let’s help our families continue to safely enjoy the Pateuxent River. Fill out this form to reserve your plants. We're aiming to recruit 55+ homes—will you be one of them? Thank you for participating in a grassroots effort to protect the waterways, wildlife and environment that we love and enjoy! Come and visit the new native plant garden at Oseh Shalom, too!
Linda Solomon and Sue Burger Visit our web page at Oseh Shalom Sacred Grounds Project Oseh Shalom members should login first. The "Login" button or icon is located at the top right of the page. Logging in makes it easier to fill in the form fields.
The National Wildlife Federation can provide additional information on raingardens or conservation landscaping.